

In the old health paradigm we looked to authorities outside of ourselves to be told what to do, or a "pill for every ill". We were taught we were victims of germ theory, and that the condition of our terrain was irrelevant. Preventative health meant policing our bodies - expecting them to betray eventually regarless of lack of symptoms, as as a result of the passage of time and nothing to do with our choices. The definition of health was the absence of disease. 


In the new health paradigm, you are your own guru and my role is to help you develop your inner guidance, provide you with information and tools, and support you in making self honouring choices.


You create your health not just by what you eat and drink but how you think and feel. 


A holistic approach means we consider the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. For lasting change we must do more than just chase symptoms. This is why many do not heal. When we only focus on the physical and do not shift the energy, symptoms and issues return in one form or another. 


Everyone is unique but for most, healing requires some level of exploring and developing aspects such as healthy boundaries, limiting beliefs, intuition, and more. 


We do not "work" on ourselves because there is something wrong with us, or because we are a puzzle to be solved.  Instead, healing is stepping into the greater awareness of who you are.


I help you uncover the root issues of your symptoms and recommend and provide natural and holistic health tools and strategies.


I support you in ways that empower, and honour your health sovereignty.


2021 - Navigating the Storm


Resilience - body, mind, and spirit is your super-power during these turbulent times. As we step more fully into the Aquarian Age, we take responsibility for our health - regardless of what's happening. We understand that by doing so, we help and lift everyone around us. Many of us have been caring for ourselves in this way for some time. Others are waking up to this over the past year and will continue to do so as Chaos Theory plays out in the 3D matrix.


If you are feeling helpless, or frustrated with current events, or the high level of cognitive dissonance amongst those around you, the one thing you can do is to focus on your own personal growth and healing. Raise your own vibration to raise the collective's. "We cannot solve the problem on the level it is created."


The elevation of humanity is not for the faint of heart! Take radical care of yourself ~


Body Sovereignty |  Personal Responsibility  |  Tolerance  |   Unity


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Genius Insight Quantum Biofeedback

Everything is energy, including us, and everything exists in energetic potential. Before anything manifests in the physical, it originates in energy. Up - level, and align your vibration with what you want to experience, and create the energetic blueprint for your life ~


The Genius Insight Resonance Biofeedback accesses your vibrational signature and identifies and harmonizes energetic stress disturbances and reactivity. It then entrains or imprints selected desired frequencies. It is like preparing the canvas for what you want to create.


 From food sensitivities, meridians, chakras, inflammation, and much more - The possibilities with the Genius Insight are limitless, including remote sessions that make it easy to maximize the power of your energy field. 


~We cannot solve a problem on the level it was created ~ Elevate the energy and create a harmonic frequency for attraction and healing.


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Nutrition | Health | Wellness | Detoxification | Coaching

We are all different. I take an individualized  and holistic (body, mind, and spirit) approach to guide and support you in a wide range of issues, to feel your best, and to age well.


Many conditions and symptoms are blamed on aging. If we can look beyond cultural beliefs about aging, the truth is all dis - ease is a combination of Physical (Food, Lifestyle,) Environmental, Toxins, and Emotional aspects.  There is much you can do to experience vibrant health at every age, and in our world today a proactive approach to our health is essential.


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Colonics (Colon Therapy or Hydrotherapy) are a safe, hygienic cleansing of the large intestine with purified water for the removal of toxic matter that has accumulated.  Colonics reduce the toxic burden on the entire body, allowing for a return to balance (health). Now more than ever, we need to support our bodies' ability to remove toxins. Many experts agree that detoxification is even more important than nutrition for longevity. 

                                                This service available to women only.


                                                Learn More


Detoxification programs are available without colonics with quantum biofeedback, consultations, UNDA drainage and nutraceuticals. These option can all be done without in-person appointments. Regardless of what's happening in the world, we have choices such as these for our health.



Consider the 9 Week Detoxification with Biofeedback Program


Biotherapeutic Drainage

UNDA Bioetherapeutic Drainage uses deep acting cellular detoxication remedies with a focus on restoring physiology (function) which drives our pathology (disease).



Health Supplements and Remedies

Supplements and remedies recommended and available are from these lines:


Seroyal/Genestra, Pure Encapsulations, Douglas Laboratories, UNDA, Purium


You can order Purium products directly using coupon code: Quantumleap


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